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Tres Piezas Para Banda - Mario Diz
Recorded by Radio Galega; Sound Tech. Pablo Barreiro
Three pieces for band - 20 15
Wind band + traditional voice choir
Commissioned by the Municipal Band of Santiago de Compostela and premiered on October 25, 2015, conducted by Maestro Miguel Romero Llopis, this work is based on four traditional Galician melodies that make up three independent movements, all of them are made in such a way that a traditional two-voice choir interprets the popular melodies and in the last of the movements the work culminates with a final ostinato in which the choral group in multiphony welcomes two very representative melodies of Galicia.
Tales of always told like never before - 20 15
String orchestra + music box
A work with a didactic meaning, it is a composition made for a string orchestra with a solo instrument, in this case a diatonic music box that represents the different characters that the narrative story develops throughout the entire work.
his music
Links - 20 14
2, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1 - 3rd timb. perc. - harp. - string - solo oboe
This one-movement work with solo oboe is structured according to different interventions by the soloist, creating the union between different structures that complete the work and concluding with a cadenza that brings together all these interventions as the final point of the composition.
Muiñeira do Areal - 20 12
string and traditional percussion (drum or box)
Through a well-known traditional dance from Galicia, this work develops the original piece in a contemporary style.
Six Galician dances - 20 10
1, 1, 1 - 1,1 - 2 perc. - rope
Composition created from six popular dances collected in different songbooks of Galicia. Written for chamber orchestra; strings and winds make up a composition designed didactically for intermediate - advanced level training orchestras.
Introducción / Canto de Berce - Mario Diz
Ai Rosiña - Mario Diz
Marcha procesional de Pontevedra / "Alalá" Pontvedra - Mario Diz
Recorded by Radio Galega; Sound Tech. Miguel Novas
Canto de Berce 2 - Mario Diz
Os teus ollos - X. Castro ( Chané ) / Mario Diz
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