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CISPAC Announcement 20 22
String quartet with ancient instruments
Work composed for the advertisement of the Interuniversity Research Centre for Cultural Atlantic Landscapes of Galicia (CISPAC), performed by the ALICERCE quartet from Santiago de Compostela with original instruments from the Baroque period.
Recorded on February 9, 2022 at the Auditorium of the University of Santiago de Compostela
SARA Variations 20 16
viola + prepared piano
This work is composed for viola and prepared piano and is based on a poem written in four verses. In each of the verses each of the letters that make up the name SARA is highlighted. In addition, these verses can be arranged in different ways, thus creating different variations. The musical work is also divided into four parts. These parts are interchangeable, making up a total of 16 combinations/variations that complete the entire work. Likewise, the letters that make up the name SARA are highlighted, giving each of them a sound: S (B), A (Ab), R (D) and A (A). These four sounds form the harmonic and melodic base that completes the work. In addition, these four sounds are indicated based on two techniques for each instrument; on the one hand, the viola is tuned in scordatura in B, Ab, D and A; and the piano, with four clamps placed on its drones, will mark the same sounds.
Premiered on January 13, 2017 at the Teatro A Fundación in Vigo by Ensemble 430
his music
You exist - 20 16
string quartet + spoken song (optional)
This work is intended to be performed by a string quartet and, optionally, by a voice in canto parlato , which can be performed preferably with a female voice, mezzo-soprano, as well as with a male voice, tenor or baritone. This work is performed through six movements which are inspired by poems by the German author Hilde Domin.
Premiered by the Bretón Quartet on November 5, 2016 in Santiago de Compostela.
SOS - 20 14
12-voice a cappella choir
It is the poem SOS by the Poet Manuel Antonio that inspires this work in which 12 a cappella voices with a single movement of two sounds for each voice configure the complete composition in which through different leitmotifs it generates the symbolisms included in the poem.
mezzo + viola + harp
Every child dreams - 20 12
All Children Dream is a suite in seven movements that, through different lullabies, takes a tour of different parts of the world.
All the prety little horses - N. América - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
Dormite mi niño - Venezuela - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
Müde bin ich, geh zur Ruh - Alemania - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
Numi numi, yaldati - Israel - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
Lala mtoto lala - África - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
Dorme dorme meu menino - Portugal - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
O meu menino - Galicia - Todos los niños sueñan - Mario Diz
Nuria Lorenzo, mezzo; Sara Emanuela Olianas, viola; Bleuenn Le Friec, harp.
Recorded by Radio Galega; Sound Tech. Pablo Barreiro
A work intended for educational concerts, featuring the main brass instruments. This quartet and soprano formation tells a musical tale.
The songs of the land of ice - 20 11
soprano + 2 trumpets + French horn + trombone (muta euphonium)
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